SEMI Focus on Public Policy

In our role as a key voice and champion of the global semiconductor industry and its vital position in the larger electronics manufacturing and design supply chain, SEMI has at its cornerstone the principle of free trade. The pursuit of a level playing field for SEMI member companies is a central focus across our regions – allowing competition based on ingenuity in open, global markets. This is the most effective means to optimize the advancement of both the semiconductor industry and the technology it enables to improve the quality of life the world over.

SEMI and our member companies place a premium on protecting IP and recognizing the importance of national and cybersecurity. Respecting the innovation and proprietary information of companies is a prerequisite of SEMI membership.

SEMI is pro-supply chain, pro-industry and country neutral. We support efforts to advance supply chain efficiency and IP protection, while opposing unilateral actions that fail to recognize the global nature of semiconductor manufacturing.

Representing more than 2,500 member companies across the globe, SEMI is frequently asked by governments in the seven regions we serve to provide insights into the sentiments of companies with operations in these geographies on various developments or policies. This facilitation of comments between companies and government, such as those requested by the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Bureau of Industry and Security (BIS) after its October 7, 2022 issuance of expanded export control rules, is the conveyance of observations and opinions. Other industry associations similarly responded to this request. The response SEMI filed does not represent a deviation or reversal from our core belief that free trade, cross-border collaboration, and robust supply chains are essential elements of innovation and technology advancements aimed at benefiting all people.

John Cooney is vice president of Global Advocacy and Public Policy at SEMI.

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