ELMATICA further strengthen its IT department

In a world where compliance and cybersecurity is of vital importance, Elmatica continues its focus on tailored IT solutions, integrations and further digitization of the PCB supply chain by adding Kristian Våge as Senior Software Developer to the team.


“Software development and IT security has become an invaluable part of our strategy and what separates us from our competitors. Kristian, with his extensive experience will be a valuable contribution to the team and fits perfectly with our further development of the company”, says IT Manager Robert Kurti.

Våge has lately worked as Senior Developer for Brevio AS developing and implementing electronic signing for the Norwegian financial auditing industry, as Backend Developer for Aido on app development and Head of IT at ISFIT, leading a group of developers using Ruby on Rails for internal communication and marketing tools. Kristian studied Computer Science at NTNU in Trondheim Norway.

“I am impressed by the IT integration and system development conducted by Elmatica and I am looking forward to getting to know more about my new colleagues and plunge into the world of printed circuits”, says Våge.


Våge will further increase Elmatica’s value for its partners and be a resource for developing and maintaining systems. Taking an active role in the Technology Department by creating user driven solutions and implementing cybersecurity protection elements.

“As a pioneer in relation to focusing on building a digital supply chain for PCB, we have now increased our focus on cybersecurity in relation to securing our customers’ data, we have since 2010 focused on tailoring our own IT systems. Now, we have gathered a highly experienced and dedicated team of developers in our Technology Department. Our products and solutions for compliance and supply chain security will set a new standard in the industry”, says CEO Didrik Bech.

x Brown

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