What will it take to get more women into tech careers? McKinsey video series explores some answers

Women earn about half of science and engineering degrees, but they make up less than 20 percent of people employed in those fields.

“I work a lot with women who talk about how stressful and challenging the experience of being the only woman in a work setting is,” says Gayatri Shenai, a partner in McKinsey Digital and founder of our annual Women in Technology and Operations conference.

“You can’t be what you can’t see,” she adds. “So, let’s show the world who some of these women in the space are—and what’s possible.”

That was the inspiration behind a new McKinsey video series Gayatri helped create. It features prominent women in STEM from our firm and elsewhere sharing their journeys and challenges, reflecting on the mentorship and sponsorship they’ve received, and offering advice to future generations.

This International Women’s Day, we’re sharing an early look at the series through an episode featuring a conversation between McKinsey partner Louise Herring and Entrepreneur First founder Alice Bentinck. (For more of Alice’s views on the importance of talent, see “The people-first approach to business-building.”)

We hope you enjoy their conversation. To catch new episodes of the series as they become available, please READ MORE>>>

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