We should stop blaming workers for the Great Resignation, says Fortune

Two years into the pandemic, anxieties about the labor market persist. America is facing a labor crisis–and there is a multitude of opinions as to the cause: Is it employee burnout or difficulty stemming from unreliable child care?

These theories place the onus on the workers and focus our handwringing on those leaving the workforce and their choices or circumstances. Why won’t they work harder? Why are they still unemployed despite the many available positions out there?

If we want to really make a difference in poverty and related issues like hunger, homelessness, and child welfare, we need to stop trying to fix people and start fixing work. If we can fix work, the people will take care of themselves.

So, the better question is: Why does no one want this job or to work in this sector?

Employers having the most trouble filling open positions are overwhelmingly offering poor-quality jobs.

SOURCE: Fortune

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