TTI’s MarketEYE: Business Outlook: Global Electronics Industry (with Emphasis on Europe)

By Walt Custer, for TTI MarketEYE 

The European Institute of Printed Circuits trade organization (EIPC) held its summer conference in Leoben, Austria last week. Among the major topics included in my keynote presentation were:

  • Global and European economic outlook, including leading indicators
  • World electronic equipment production by major region
  • Electronic Supply chain growth – world and Europe
  • Markets of European focus
  • Emerging volume markets
  • Semiconductors
  • Semiconductor capital equipment
  • European supply chain growth – 1999 to present
  • European component shipments by country
  • EMS and ODM companies
  • Global and country specific printed circuit board market
  • European PCB market in detail with comments
  • PCB related process equipment, material and laminate historical market growth
  • World PCB market model
  • Forecasts and conclusions

Click here to download the attached charts and slides from the presentation.

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