IPC Argues for Reduction in Reporting Burdens for Electronics Manufacturers

By Alison James, senior director, European government relations, IPC

IPC this week took part in a European Commission Industrial Forum feedback exercise to identify EU legislation with the heaviest reporting burdens for manufacturers in the European Union. The exercise follows European Commission President Ursula Von Der Leyen’s commitment to simplify reporting burdens and reduce them by 25 percent. A first Commission proposal is expected before the Autumn.

This important exercise to identify main reporting burdens is first of a kind at EU level and comes in recognition of the high administrative burdens placed on EU companies. IPC highlighted amongst other areas duplification of reporting in environmental legislation, disparity in Member State implementation increasing burden as well as a host of existing and pending sustainability reporting measures. The EU’s intent is not to diminish policy impact but to gain full understanding of the complete burden on companies across all legislative areas with a view to reduction and simplification.

IPC will continue to engage in the exercise highlighting the issue of electronics manufacturers with complex supply chains and manufacturers, often SMEs, who are also subject to multiple information requests.  For more information on this issue, please contact me at AlisonJames@ipc.org.

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