In Memoriam: Michael Ford

EMSNOW was saddened to learn that Michael Ford passed away suddenly on January 27. From Aegis’ announcement

With insight drawn from a career stretching back to when he led one of the earliest electronics manufacturing software companies, Michael was always envisioning what was needed to achieve an improved manufacturing future before others could see it. What new system, standard, or concept could help move things forward for the better. Michael could move those ideas to the forefront and was always seeking the views and ideas of others in the process. He had a singular gift in helping everyone he encountered see the future with him in his articulate and compelling way that brought everyone into the process, whether an individual or a full conference hall.

His career was marked with many achievements, and the impact he had, both on a personal and professional level to so many in our industry, was immense. His loss is deeply felt by all who had the privilege of knowing him. Michael was also a prolific contributor to leading industry publications, sharing his insights, knowledge, and expertise. His articles, columns, and blogs provided valuable insights and guided those navigating the constantly changing manufacturing landscape.

In this time of sorrow, we can take solace in the knowledge that Michael leaves a great legacy of contribution to the electronics industry. That legacy will now be a new step upon which everything our industry achieves going forward, rises. We can rest assured that this is what Michael hoped for most from his work.

The industry extends deepest condolences to Michael’s family and friends during this difficult time.

EMSNOW was fortunate to have spoken with, and published articles by Michael many times over the last 5+ years. We always found him to be insightful, forward thinking and gentlemanly, with a gift for making the complex understandable. Here is the video recording from the last time we spoke with Michael just prior to productronica last year.

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