Hanwha Introduces Through-Hole Component Insertion System for Automated PCB Assembly Processes
February 2018 – Hanwha’s model SM485P SMART Hybrid Mounter is designed for a wide range of applications including the processing of radial and axial through-hole components requiring controlled force insertion prior to reflow, wave or selective soldering. Innovative feeder technology features lead forming and cutting for efficient delivery of prepared components to the Mounter for quick and reliable processing.
SM485P is also a multifunction mounter ideally suited for odd-form SMD components supplied in sticks, tubes and bulk or loose formats. Hanwha offers stacked-stick, multi-stick, and multi-stage bowl feeders that will automatically sort and supply up to three unique components simultaneously.
Hanwha will demonstrate the SM485P during the IPC APEX EXPO 2018 at the San Diego Convention Center on February 27 through March 1, 2018. Following the exposition, all of Hanwha’s Multifunction Mounters (SM485P, SM485, DECAN L2) will be available for demonstrations at Hanwha’s world class Center of Excellence in Cypress, CA.
For more information on Hanwha Precision Machinery for SMART printed circuit board assembly, please visit: www.hanwhaprecisionmachinery.com.