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EMSNOW Profile: RAWE Electronic GmbH

RAWE Electronic GmbH is a 50-year-old electronic system service provider based in Weiler im Allgäu. Almost 300 employees develop and produce electronic assemblies and systems for well-known companies in consumer appliances, commercial vehicles, gas measurement technology, heating and sanitation, industrial electronics and automotive.


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Web capture www demmel de

Bregenzer Straße 43
D-88171 Weiler – Simmerberg

+49 8387 398 0




Operational Overview

RAWE Electronic GmbH is a 50-year-old electronic system service provider based in Weiler im Allgäu. Almost 300 employees develop and produce electronic assemblies and systems for well-known companies in consumer appliances, commercial vehicles, gas measurement technology, heating and sanitation, industrial electronics and automotive. Their automotive sector is the most important sector and is served by means of fully automatic production, assembly and testing systems. They acquired another EMS (Mair) in 2021.

Company Differentiators

RAWE’s CEO has been with the company for 21 years, delivering 20 years of consistently strong EBITDA. Most of the company customer list is similarly long-term. They primarily serve the automotive sector, and 50% of the products manufactured are engineered by RAWE. One of their product lines is high volume/low mix; unusual for Western Europe. They provide more services than PCBA to their customers, including box and potting and lacquering, for example.

Strategic Growth Drivers

RAWE has grown organically for most of its history, typically 10%/year, tracking the growth of their customers. They carefully select OEM customers that fit with their capabilities and focus on retaining and growing with the ones that align most successfully. They plan to be at €100M in three years, assuming material shortages ease substantially.  They believe more OEMs will outsource and will choose RAWE because of its manufacturing know-how and long-term stability.

Facility Tour

Eric and Dieter visited RAWE in December 2021. Their discussion focused on the company’s long and short-term challenges and opportunities building electronics and long-term customer relationships in this corner of Western Europe.


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