ECIA Reports Q3 CY17 North America Capacitor Sales Up 9.8% YTD Compared to 2016

ECIA reports North America capacitor sales up 9.8% through September 2017 compared to the same period in 2016. Bookings were up 17.9%. Capacitor sales to the OEM\EMS channel were up 1.9% and bookings up just under 10%. Capacitor sales to the distributor channel were up 17.8% and bookings up 24.7%. Capacitor sales into the distributor channel represented 49.3% of sales and 52.5% of bookings YTD 2017. Reference the chart below for sales and bookings performance Q3’17 compared to Q3’16 and YTD 2017 compared to YTD 2016 by sales channel and by capacitor product type.

Book to Bill for Q3’17 was a strong 1.12 marking the eighth consecutive quarter of positive book to bill. Capacitor sales in North America breaks out as follows: Ceramics 55%, Aluminum 19%, Tantalum 16%, Paper & Film 8%, and Supercapacitors 2%.

ECIA members can view an Executive Summary of the North America Capacitor Report on the ECIA Website in the Knowledge Center section. Capacitor Manufacturers that contribute data to the report can view the complete report.