ECIA Posts Workplace Survey Results Webinar Recording

ATLANTA – ECIA has been tracking member responses to workplace disruptions caused by the pandemic by means of a survey conducted with industry company management during early Aug 2021 and again in late Sep 2021. ECIA’s Chief Analyst Dale Ford discusses the survey results in a webinar recording now available at 2021 Oct 19 Results from Survey on Business Operations Post-Covid on Vimeo.

“We asked members what their expectations were for bringing their workforce back into the office in two separate surveys in Aug and Sept of this year, and there were some surprises as industry sentiment is shifting rapidly about this challenge,” Ford explained. “With the controversies about vaccine mandates, the fears about ‘the Great Resignation’ and talent retention, and the uncertainty about Covid variants and health risks, we wanted to give our members industry-relevant data to help guide their decisions in the coming quarters.”

The webinar also includes data from a recent Harris Poll about similar topics, which Ford uses to compare to our industry’s response to these ongoing developments. As always, the analysis and discussion offers listeners some great insight into what our industry is thinking, as well as practices and attitudes outside the industry in the broader economy.

“In our surveys we are trying to get the pulse of when top management expects they will be getting back to the new normal in terms of resumption of in-person meeting and domestic and international travel,” Ford continued. “But the Harris poll is also important to understand just how burnt-out employees are feeling now that the crisis is starting to ease, especially our younger employees. Employers ignore these signals at their own risk,” he warned.

The recording is available at 2021 Oct 19 Results from Survey on Business Operations Post-Covid on Vimeo.

The presentation is available at Aug and Sept 2021.

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