x Brown

CHIPS R&D Standards Summit Sept 26-27

This Month: CHIPS R&D Standards Summit   

Help us develop the standards that will accelerate innovation in the microelectronics sector.  

Standards accelerate innovation by helping to ensure the performance, interoperability, and safety of new products and processes. When a marketplace has well defined and transparent standards, inventors and entrepreneurs can more easily scale innovations into commercial products. Standards are critical to the goals of the CHIPS Research and Development Office. 

The CHIPS R&D Standards Summit on September 26 and 27, 2023, will facilitate consensus building on the top priority areas within the industry, ways to accelerate strategic efforts across these priority areas, and cover concepts from incubators and accelerators as practiced in the technology sector that might be adapted for use in standards development and enabling a diverse, standards-capable workforce. 

Standards are most effective when their development is inclusive. We want to hear your voice. Please join us for this important summit in person or virtually.  

Registration closes September 19. 

To Learn More and Register, Click Here

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