Indium EMSNow Durafuse x

Call for Papers EIPC Winter Conference Rotterdam, NL

February 13 & 14, 2020    
Delivering knowledge is one of the strengths of an EIPC Conference. Yes, yes, any conference does that, but then an EIPC Conference is NOT any conference, it is in the Premier League; it has international players, tends to have away matches in a variety of venues, has seats for all spectators, and invariably wins the day. Which is why they are holding their Winter Conference in Rotterdam, where guests will be dining in the magnificence of Football Stadium Sparta in the evening of the first day. There is more to Rotterdam than containers, and there is more to EIPC than circuit boards, so join the winning team by sending in your submission without delay.
Have a look at the list of targets on the attached, and send us your abstract.
Please may we have your abstract submission no later than November 18!   

Please note: the number of attendees for the Bonus Programme to the Rotterdam Terminals is limited, on a first come, first serve basis, so make sure you are one of the first.
Please click here for the detailed Call for Papers.
x Brown