x Brown

Almost 200,000 UK Manufacturing Jobs Lost Since 2010, GMB Figures Show

In total, 6.7 per cent of manufacturing jobs lost across UK under Conservative-led Governments 

Almost 200,000 manufacturing jobs have been lost since 2010, GMB figures show.

The damning statistics show 6.7 per cent of all manufacturing jobs have gone since Labour left office.

The numbers show:

  • Scotland was worst affected, losing 15.7 per cent of manufacturing jobs (31,300)
  • The East of England lost 14 per cent, a total of 40,100 roles
  • In Northern Ireland, 14.6 per cent were lost, with 12,900 jobs gone

In 2010, the UK supported 2.9 million manufacturing jobs.

But by 2022, that number has dwindled to 2.7 million.

The numbers will be discussed at GMB’s annual conference in Brighton today [Thursday]

Charlotte Brumpton-Childs, GMB National Officer, said: 

“The loss of almost 200,000 jobs is devastating for those workers – and their wider communities.

“Every job lost means a household income more stretched. In the worst cost of living crisis for a generation we need more decent, skilled jobs – not to shed them at this rate.

“Ministers must address this urgently or there could be worse to come.

“The global green jobs race could revolutionise UK manufacturing – creating tens of thousands of jobs in fabrication for new wind, solar and nuclear.

“But this Government seems happy to let them all disappear overseas.”

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