All Circuits Continue Automotive EMS Excellence Through Innovation and Automation – EMS@C-Level

Uncover the journey of All Circuits with their visionary leader Bruno Racault, as we navigate the ever-changing landscape of automotive electronics manufacturing. From a bold strategic pivot towards electric vehicles to the integration of cutting-edge automation, Bruno shares the roadmap that drove All Circuits to become a tier-one powerhouse. Learn how they harnessed the regionalization trend and innovation to automate and improve their production processes, while building direct partnerships with car makers. Bruno gives us a glimpse into the meticulous planning and execution behind All Circuits’ growth, from the new addition to MSL Circuits in France, to expansion into new EV product sectors like battery management. Bruno also touches on the consistently challenging component supply chain, the role of distributors, reducing inventory and much more. Finally we wrap up with an optimistic look at 2024 expectations in both the automative and industrial markets.

Like every episode of EMS@C-Level, this one was sponsored by global inspection leader Koh Young ( and Adaptable Automation Specialist (

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