Redefining Transportation: Exploring EVs and Automotive with Indium’s Brian O’Leary at APEX 2024

Brian O’Leary, Global Head of e-Mobility & Infrastructure at Indium Corporation, shares his insights into the future of automotive innovation, as he and Philip Stoten explore the complexities and competition of the electric vehicle market. The conversation also covers trends like software-defined vehicles and how a simple download could revamp the entire driving experience, complete with subscription-based features that evolve long after a car has left the showroom.

We tackle the challenges and triumphs from the freezing temperatures in Scandinavia to the automotive production powerhouses of China. Brian elaborates on the trends in EV adoption and the staggering pace at which Chinese automotive prowess is reshaping the landscape, threatening to leave Western legacy manufacturers behind.

Just as we are seeing a movement away from China in many sectors, we are seeing dominance in the automotive sector. They also discuss the importance of reliability in the solutions provided by Indium Corporation and, indeed, the whole electronics manufacturing industry.

Like every episode of EMS@C-Level, this one was sponsored by global inspection leader Koh Young ( and Adaptable Automation Specialist (

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