18th Würzburg EMS Day Dedicated to the Corona crisis
By Johann Wiesböck
Originally published on Electronik Praxis
A limited number of managers and top specialists of the EMS industry will meet in person (!) under difficult circumstances on 3 September for the 18th EMS Day in Würzburg, Germany. A major theme will be the consequences of Corona and the future of the industry. Keynote speaker Dieter G. Weiss from in4ma will present data and forecasts about the future of the industry.
The Würzburg EMS Day has never been as valuable as this year. The consequences of Corona are shaking the EMS industry and exacerbating known systemic problems such as under-return and thin capital. The executives of the EMS industry are therefore expecting six high-calibre presentations on market development, corporate strategy and crisis management at the 18th EMS Day. Two technology specialists look to the technological future and software-defined manufacturing.
And as always, there is a lot of room for the exchange of experiences between participants, speakers and exhibitors. This personal exchange begins on September 2nd in the evening event with dinner on the terrace of the restaurant “REISERS” in the winery am Stein. On the morning of September 3rd, David Kohl, Chief Economist at Julius Baer, opens the lecture series. It shows the current economic development under the sign of coronavirus and analyses the consequences for industry and society.
The European EMS industry – figures, data and figures
Numbers are the world of Dieter G. Weiss. He has been working in the electronics industry for forty years and has been working in the field of market statistics for both hybrid circuits and the EMS industry for 14 years. His market statistics are known under the brand in4ma (Information 4 manufacturers). Dieter G. Weiss’s presentation is “The European EMS Industry: Figures, Data, Facts and How to Proceed”.
Our world is changing rapidly. And COVID-19 is now igniting the turbo of digitization. But what does this mean for organisations and companies? Interesting answers are given by Prof. Dr. Gerald Mann, economist and head of studies at FOM Munich. His lecture is entitled “Capitalism without Capital: Why Human Capital Becomes More Important in the Age of Digitization”.
Jan Pörschmann from Proventis Partners will deal with other substantive management issues in the lecture “M&A in the EMS industry”, Michael Schwienbacher from the Schwienbacher Group in his experience report “More growth and higher returns can also be achieved for smaller EMS companies” and Dr. Marc Achhammer from THE KATEK SE Group in his outlook “How does the EMS industry look in ten years and how will it have to change in ten years. if it wants to survive?”.
Technology Roadmap 2025 and Software-defined Manufacturing
Incessant technological progress is the primordial gene of the electronics industry and a strength of the local EMS industry. “We can do technology,” there’s no question about that. But here, too, every EMS provider must stay on the ball. That is why Bernd Enser, Chief Operating Officer at SEMIKRON and Head of the Technical Commission and member of the ZVEI Board of Management, presents the “Technology Roadmap 2025 and its importance for the electronics industry”.
Software has a prominent role to play in our high-tech industry – this applies more than ever to manufacturing. Tatjana Dzambazova, Director of Product Management, Software Solutions at Bright Machines, is an internationally renowned specialist for this. The US-based start-up based in San Francisco develops innovative solutions for software-driven manufacturing. She talks about “Software-defined Manufacturing: Paradigm Shift in Electronics Manufacturing and the 100% Digital Twin”.
Unfortunately, at this point, all available registration seats have been sold.
The 18th EMS Day will take place on September 3rd at the Vogel Convention Center Würzburg. Social distance and hygiene measures are consistently carried out to protect the participants. All information about the program, exhibition and registration can be found under www.ems-tag.de. If you have any questions, please contact Johann Wiesböck, johann.wiesboeck@vogel.de or tel. +49 931 4183081.