ECIA Surveys Members on COVID-19 Management 

ECIA has conducted a survey of electronic component manufacturers and distributors to gauge how companies are modifying their business operations and their progress in adopting best practices recommendations published by the ECIA Industry Practices teams. The survey of these ECIA members was conducted between June 16, 2020 and June 22, 2020. Major subjects addressed in the survey are:

  • Facility reopening schedules
  • Remote work plans by function for the near- and long-term
  • Travel resumption and precautions
  • Best practices adoptions for infection prevention for –
    • Sales activities
    • General facilities management
    • Factory/warehouse management
    • Employee morale actions
    • Trade show participation and modifications

Measured optimism in the reopening process is seen in the transition between the end of Q2 2020 and the end of Q4 2020. 56% of companies in the survey expect that 50% or less of their employees will have returned to the pre-pandemic work locations by the end of Q2 2020. Six months later, at the end of Q4 2020, 95% of respondents expect that 75% or more of their employees will have returned to their company facilities. However, in the long-term, a notable share of companies expects only between 75% and 90% of their employees will return to their previous work locations.

Figure 1 – Facility Reopening and Workforce Return Plans by Quarter










 Figure 2 – Remote Work Plans for Major Functions – Near Term











While the limitations on remote working are obvious for employees engaged in the operations functions, even in the near-term risk environment, a significant amount of time by other company functions will be spent in remote work environments. While this will shift in the long-term, it is clear that companies will continue to evaluate remote working solutions as a part of their company workforce strategy.

In a somewhat surprising result 96% of survey respondents expect their employees will resume domestic travel by October 1, 2020. 30% are expected to begin domestic travel in the coming month. The picture for international travel is one of much greater caution. Long-term solutions for managing international relationships will need to be developed and maintained as personal engagements will take longer to return.

“As the world works to find the new normal, companies will be re-defining parameters around issues such as necessary versus unnecessary travel and business meetings,” commented Dale Ford, ECIA’s Chief Analyst and author of the report. “These findings will be essential reading as the industry reaches a consensus about reopening policies.”

Log in to read the complete analysis on the members only Coronavirus Resources page.

For a synopsis of this important study, please go to

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