Xi Jinping says China will build stable supply chain with ‘comrade’ Vietnam

SOURCE: South China Morning Post

  • Chinese president also notes ‘complex international environment’ facing the two socialist countries in talks with Nguyen Phu Trong
  • Visiting Vietnamese Communist Party chief says the nation will not allow any foreign military base to be established there

China will build a stable supply chain with its “comrade and brother” Vietnam, President Xi Jinping told visiting Vietnamese Communist Party chief Nguyen Phu Trong on Monday.

Trong – the first foreign leader to visit China since Xi secured a third term – said Vietnam would not allow any overseas military base to be established in the country, nor would it join forces with any country against another.

“Vietnam … has made the development of friendship and cooperation with China the top priority in our foreign policy,” Trong told Xi during their meeting at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing, according to state broadcaster CCTV.

During their meeting, Xi told Trong that China encouraged its tech companies to invest in Vietnam and also promoted cooperation in areas such as healthcare, green development, the digital economy and on climate change.

“China is willing to accelerate linking development strategies with the Vietnamese side, promote connectivity between the two countries and jointly build a stable industrial chain supply chain system,” Xi said, according to CCTV.

He said that in terms of ideology, the two socialist countries faced “a very complex international environment and serious risks”.

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