TTI Announces Organization Changes Building upon a Legacy

Fort Worth, Texas  – Mike Morton, TTI CEO, today announced organizational changes are underway to support the growth of the legacy distributor and its parent company known as TTI, Inc., while separately recognizing the operating segment of the company, TTI IP&E.

Commenting on this new internal alignment, Morton offered, “TTI has become synonymous as both a Berkshire Hathaway owned parent company and an operating company specializing in IP&E components.” TTI has been evolving toward internally recognizing the parent company as TTI, Inc., and the operating company as TTI IP&E. This restructure will not affect our business partners – we simply will continue to be known as TTI.”

To support the global and regional functions taking place within the company, the following leadership promotions have been announced and are noted to be effective March 1, 2024.

John Drabik, President, TTI Americas steps into the new position of Global President TTI IP&E. Geoff Imlach, Vice President, TTI Sales Americas, is positioned to succeed Drabik as President, TTI IP&E Americas.

Reporting to Drabik will be the IP&E regional presidents along with Jeff Ray, Senior Vice President Global Strategic Accounts and Jim Hawersaat, Senior Vice President Transportation Business Unit.

Further, Melanie Pizzey, has been named to the position of Corporate Senior Vice President Strategic Initiatives and Business Transformation. John Archer, Senior Vice President Ethics and Compliance, General Counsel, moves into position as Corporate Senior Vice President and Chief Administrative Officer for TTI, Inc. Pizzey and Archer continue to report directly to Mike Morton as TTI, Inc. executive staff.

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