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Throwback Thursday: Icons of Industry

It’s that time of year, when the natural tendency is to take stock, evaluate, maybe pat yourself on the back, or resolve to do better.

Here at EMSNOW we are looking at the exclusive content we have brought to our readers throughout 2019. This week, we focus on the EMSNOW Icons of Industry series. In case you missed it the first time, you can find all our Icons articles at this link: EMSNOW Icons of Industry. It is always useful for the industry to reflect on its history. Those that forget the past are doomed to… well you know. It was a fun series to research and write, and we will be doing more of these in 2020.

You’ll notice there are some blank spaces in the calendar. We have some more ideas, but would love to hear from readers about who you think made significant contributions to the EMS industry, and therefore should be included in this series. Please contact Jennifer Read at jread@emsnow.com with your ideas.


Icons of Industry Series