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The Reading Room – What’s the SCOOP?


By Philip Spagnoli Stoten Founder of SCOOP

Now in a regular Friday spot, this is the Reading Room, a weekly roundup of what we’ve been reading, watching and listening to this week. You can see these updates even more regularly if you follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

More on tariffs this week as Industry Week reposts that, “Siemens CEO Urges Europe to Take Stronger Stance in Trade Battle”. This story will run and run and is already affecting the EMS industry and the way it selects manufacturing geography.

Meanwhile Apple launch the new iPhone 11 and reportedly break numerous Chinese labor laws. According to the South China Morning Post, who suggest that, “Apple iPhone 11 launch marred by claims Foxconn factory broke labor laws” as both companies confirm excessive use of temporary workers but deny bulk of report by China Labor Watch.

And how about this? An article on Industry 5.0 and we’ve barely got Industry 4.0 underway! Thomas Insight carried this piece from staff writer, Kristin Manganello, entitled, “Will Industry 5.0 Really Be Revolutionary?” One revolution at a time please!

Whist we’re on the digital transformation of manufacturing, check out this blogs from Jabil VP, Dan Gamota, entitled, “How Digital Twins Lead to Manufacturing Profitability”

Groupon Coupons, yes, the online sales site, recently unveiled their findings related to the states that make it easiest for STEM college graduates to get jobs in their related fields. According to Groupon, the number of STEM jobs in the U.S. has grown by 17% since 2008. Check out “The States with Best STEM Career Opportunities for Recent Grads” on Thomas Industry Update

With just over a week to go before SMTAi, why not schedule an interview with our team on the SCOOPstudio. I’ll be on booth #943 throughout the expo hours on Tuesday and Wednesday, September 24thand 25th, please drop by.

VIDEO OF THE WEEK: Here’s one I was lucky enough to be involved in filming and editing. This was one of those case studies where the customer really was the ultimate brand ambassador. Check out why Schweitzer Engineering Laboratories were so happy they chose Koh Young and the relationship the operators developed with their new equipment.

PODCAST OF THE WEEK:That industry guru turned celebrity podcaster, Mike Konrad will be joining me at SMTAi to record a Reliability Matters Live on the show floor. Meanwhile you can listen to the last 23 episodes here.


That’s it until next week! For more regular musing connect or follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

Read more, watch more, hear more, know more – that’s the SCOOP!