New Content on Promotes the Authorized Channel for Electronic Components

ECIA is excited to announce that has new and updated content designed to help our users more easily research and procure electronic components from authorized sources. Our updated home page references these and other valuable resources for easy access.

Our featured resources include a detailed explanation of why you should only buy electronic components through the authorized channel as well as comprehensive distributor authorized linecard pages. Let’s learn more about these updates.

“Why Buy Authorized?” Page

Underneath the search bar on the homepage, you’ll see an option titled “Why Buy Authorized?” This in-depth article explains the benefits of only buying authorized electronic components and details how fulfills that need.

For example, the article answers:

  • What are the risks of buying electronic components through unauthorized channels?
  • What is the authorized channel for electronic components?
  • What is an authorized distributor?
  • Why is the only inventory aggregation site that truly promotes the authorized channel?

Distributor Information Pages & Authorization Lists

Users can now view our participating authorized distributors in all regions globally on one simple page.

In addition to our distributor list, each distributor now has their own dedicated page on our site that lists all of their manufacturer authorizations. carefully reviews, researches, and approves or denies authorization requests to ensure you acquire genuine electronic components from reliable distributors. Now, you can review this information even more easily.

Features Pages

Whether you’re a buyer, engineer, distributor, or component manufacturer, you’ll benefit from new pages that outline features designed with your role in mind. Here’s a quick overview of the information you can now access directly from the homepage.

Features for Buyers

See a list of features that offers buyers, such as access to billions of products from thousands of manufacturers and real-time product pricing and availability. gives buyers the ability to search for authorized electronic components by part number, set up Stock and Price Alerts, use our BOM Tool, easily integrate the API into your ERP or quoting application, and so much more.

Features for Engineers

Engineers enjoy all the features offered to buyers, plus additional benefits. For example, engineers can access datasheets, acquire small quantities of electronic components for prototypes within 24 hours, and use parametric search. also gives engineers access to product life cycle risk analyses, similar part comparisons, and more.

Features for Distributors

From increased brand exposure and credibility to advanced analytics, authorized distributors have much to gain from On the Features for Distributors page, you can learn about the benefits of participation and what our Distributor Portal and Embeddable BOM Tool have to offer.

component manufacturers
Features for Component Manufacturers

Component manufacturers have a dedicated manufacturer page on Find out how users can search your products on your site using our turnkey Distributor Stock Search (DDS) tool or the API.

The Features for Manufacturers page highlights how the Manufacturer Portalallows electronic component manufacturers to view monthly analytics, manage distributor authorizations, and access the Channel Inventory Profile Tool (CIPT).

Thank You for Choosing requires proof of authorization from Original Component Manufacturers (OCMs). Buyers and engineers can be confident that electrical components sourced from our site are of the highest quality, genuine, and only from the manufacturers’ authorized distributors.

We’re confident that this new content will improve your experience on our website. If you have any questions or ideas about how we can further improve your experience on, contact us today!

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