Mycronic Joins European Diversity Charter

Building a diverse and inclusive workplace is key for us at Mycronic

When diverse perspectives are brought to the table, we get more and better ideas. At Mycronic, we live on our ability to innovate. Ensuring diversity and inclusion is therefore business critical for us- and a lot more fun!”– Johanna Jarl, SVP Human Resources, Mycronic.

diversity-charter-circle.pngSince May 1st Mycronic in Sweden is a member of a European diversity network called “Diversity Charter Sweden”. The network is the world´s largest diversity and inclusion network and it brings together 15,400 organizations representing over 17 million employees.

The aim is to raise awareness and engage companies that aspires to increase their creativity and competitiveness by exchanging ideas, knowledge and experience about this matter with other companies and organizations.

At Mycronic, with its people-centric culture, a diverse workforce is one of the greatest assets. Every employee should, in their own uniqueness, feel a sense of pride in, and belonging to, the company. By signing Diversity Charter, Mycronic makes a voluntary commitment to create and maintain an inclusive working environment for their employees without discrimination on the basis of gender, racial or ethnic origin, religion, age, disability or sexual orientation.

What we do today

A key aspect of diversity at Mycronic is gender equality. Currently 18 percent of the company’s employees are women. Mycronic has a clear ambition to increase this proportion and is conducting activities to attract and inspire women to work at the company. Mycronic also promotes diversity through various programs. For example, in Sweden, the company is helping newly arrived immigrants with academic degrees to access the labor market. Globally, many of Mycronics sites are running targeted recruitment activities for women and people with disabilities.

Another important area to Mycronic is to inspire future engineers through diversity. To help a younger generation pursue careers in engineering, the company is supporting non-profit organizations such as Hello World, offering internships through “Tekniksprånget” (Technology Leap), and partnering with the Spark Alpha Pitch Program as well as creating similar opportunities on the company’s site in China.

In 2022, Mycronic launched a global network for women, arranged a women’s career conference in Shenzhen, China for employees and partnering with the Female Technical Engineer organization, promoting female students in technical fields. The company also provided unconscious bias training for employees and introduced new leadership principles for leadership development.

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