mHospitals Launched in India to Enhance Healthcare Options for Rural Areas

Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari is a technocrat, researcher and entrepreneur who has founded the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), one of the largest networks for advanced materials researchers. He is also the founder of VBRI , that offers smart technologies especially in the healthcare sector. Dr. Tiwari is one of the pioneers in the field of cloud medicine, that aims to provide next generation healthcare to all with the help of doorstep technology without any barriers. The cloudcare technology uses machine learning, artificial intelligence and IoT, that paves the way for wireless medicine. With this approach, VBRI launched mHospitals in India on the occasion of the 150th birth anniversary of Mahatma Gandhi on 2nd October 2019.

Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari realized that advanced materials were the most promising area of research as it had the potential to solve many social problems. He found that the sphere of advanced materials lacked a forum or platform where the community members could come together to discuss issues and form collaborations. So, in 2010, he formed the International Association of Advanced Materials (IAAM), together with a group of advanced materials’ researchers.

“Advanced materials are new, intelligent, and smart materials for new age technology. The goal for IAAM is to bring scientists and researchers from all sorts of areas together and form a highly interactive community. We are creating an environment of learning that will hopefully birth new ideas that will benefit many of society’s big issues,” says Dr. Ashutosh Tiwari, founder of VBRI and IAAM.

In 2011, IAAM hosted the first ever Advanced Materials Congress (AMC) at the University of Jinan in China. A few years later, in order to enhance the experience and outcomes of the congress, Dr. Tiwari came up with “Knowledge Experience at Sea”, a concept of hosting the congresses on cruise ships, which has grown to become a huge success and a widely recognized platform of today. So far, IAAM has organised 30 congresses that have been attended by over 15 000 delegates from more than 100 countries.

IAAM also runs not-for-profit publication platforms-Advanced Materials Letters and Advanced Materials Proceedings, the official journals of IAAM, where researchers can publish papers and read the latest research for absolutely zero cost.

“The researchers must get together to develop research, innovations and technology for real life applications. IAAM is that facilitator and that makes me very happy,” says, Dr. Tiwari. “In my research I found that the healthcare sector is one of the building blocks of a nation. Coming from a rural area in India, I got exposed very early in my life to the struggles that people face to access safe healthcare. Since then, I have been working extensively and making strides towards changing the face of the healthcare industry. While chairing a conference in 2014, a discussion led to an idea of establishing virtual healthcare infrastructure. I established the VBRI with an aim to carry out translational research in the field of healthcare and several others. VBRI recently launched mHospitals, that gives patients access to professional healthcare services whenever needed. mHospitals uses AI, ML and other technologies to create virtual healthcare systems and remove barriers like distance and language,” says Dr. Tiwari.

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