Mastering Economic Challenges and Talent Scarcity in EMS: Insights from Intervala CEO Teresa Huber

Discover how Intervala is weathering economic storms and talent droughts in our latest conversation with their President & CEO Teresa Huber, filmed on location at APEX 2024. As we navigate an election year with economic tremors, Teresa shares her perspective on customer demand trends. She reveals why certain sectors, like defense and medical, remain robust despite wider market fluctuations, and gives us insight into the company’s strategic thoughts in response to global geopolitical shifts. Teresa goes on to addresses supply chain’s issues and evolution, particularly the semiconductor quandary, and how Intervala’s approach keeps their production humming.

If you’re curious about how a company can thrive amid the labor shortages plaguing the US, Teresa outlines Intervala’s inventive talent recruitment and retention strategies. From their in-house recruiting team to collaboration with local universities, Intervala is not just filling positions, but fostering the growth of their workforce through comprehensive training programs leading to certifications and even degrees.

Like every episode of EMS@C-Level, this one was sponsored by global inspection leader Koh Young ( and Adaptable Automation Specialist (

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