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Joel Scutchfield, Koh Young America, On Location with EMSNOW & SCOOP at APEX 2023

One of the themes of APEX 2023 was the next evolution of the Smart Factory through use of AI tools. In this interview, Eric Miscoll asks Joel Scutchfield to explain the AI tools Koh Young continues to roll out to enhance their industry leading inspection systems. They go on to discuss Joel’s expectations for 2023, the power of optimism, and much more.

EMSNOW & SCOOP at APEX 2023is sponsored by Koh Young America (https://www.kohyoung.com), Aegis Software (https://www.aiscorp.com/), Panasonic Connect (https://connect.panasonic.com/en/) and Cogiscan (https://cogiscan.com/).

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