IPC Launches Monthly Economic Report

Economic data from May and June suggest the U.S. economy was on the mend, but the rise of COVID-19 cases in late June and early July altered that outlook, likely causing a halt to business investment as companies wait for a more certain economic environment.

In response to the ongoing changes in the economy, IPC created the IPC Monthly Economic Report to provide data on the economy, industrial production, capacity utilization, PCB demand, and industry employment, particularly as it relates to the electronics manufacturing industry.

“We are currently experiencing one of the most volatile periods in our economic history,” said Shawn DuBravac, IPC chief economist. “How that turbulence affects the manufacturing industry is of great interest to our members, and we hope that this information will be of benefit as they make critical decisions about their businesses in the months ahead.”

The inaugural (July) issue of the IPC Monthly Economic Report can be found at http://www.ipc.org/emails/gr/0720IPCEconomicReport.pdf. Going forward, future reports will be issued mid-month, every month.

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