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Intel Manufacturing Day 2020 from Arizona’s Fab 42

Intel Bob Swan Fab

In celebration of Intel’s 40th anniversary in Arizona, Intel CEO Bob Swan toured Fab 42, the company’s newest Arizona factory in Ocotillo, on Friday, Oct. 2, 2020. The facility created 3,000 new Intel jobs and supports an additional 7,000 jobs in the community. (Credit: Intel Corporation)

Intel invests significantly in environmental sustainability in Arizona, including on-site renewable energy, green buildings, and water conservation and restoration. To date, Intel has funded a dozen water restoration projects with nonprofits estimated to restore roughly 800 million gallons of water a year to support Arizona’s supply. Intel’s newest, leading-edge manufacturing facility – Fab 42 in Ocotillo – features the company’s most ambitious on-site water recycling facility that will be able to treat more than 9 million gallons of water each day. Intel CEO Bob Swan and Keyvan Esfarjani, SVP and GM of Global Manufacturing and Operations, tour the site.

Arizona is home to Intel’s newest, leading-edge manufacturing facility: Fab 42 in Ocotillo. The opening of Fab 42 is the culmination of a $7 billion investment that created 3,000 new high-tech, high-wage jobs at Intel, including process and facilities support engineers, equipment technicians and more. The project was among the biggest construction efforts in the U.S. and helped create about 10,000 new Arizona jobs from start to finish. Fab 42 connects to three other Intel fabrication plants, making the site our first mega-factory network. It manufactures our newest generation of leadership products that will power hundreds of millions of computing devices worldwide.

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