iNEMI/SMTA Technical Webinar Series: Impact of Low Temperature Soldering on Electronic Package Dynamic Warpage Behavior & Surface Mount Yields

July 28, 2020 / 11:00 a.m. EDT

The fundamentals of dynamic warpage are well established in the electronics manufacturing industry, but there are very few studies on the use of low temperature solders, specifically for SAC BGAs with low temperature solder paste. This webinar will share results of iNEMI’s projects on dynamic warpage characterization of different electronic package types. The results generated by these projects help industry understand the impact of low temperature solder on dynamic warpage considerations and the types of packages that require greater attention and optimization for LTS adoption.


Ron W. Kulterman is the presenter for this webinar. He is Manager of the Materials Characterization and Failure Analysis Lab for Flex Ltd in Austin, Texas. Information included in this webinar was originally presented at IEEE’s Electronic Components and Technology Conference (ECTC) 2019.

Details & Registration
This webinar is open to everyone; advance registration is required. For additional information and to register.