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Get Involved with iNEMI in 2021

Get Involved with New iNEMI Projects & Initiatives
Several project initiatives have active teams working to define project plans and a number of recently started projects are still accepting participants. This is a great opportunity to get involved early to help define project direction and benefit your organization. Following are a selection of initiatives and new projects from the packaging, PCB, smart manufacturing and interconnect areas. See a complete list of initiatives in development and recently launched projects as well as ongoing projects, including those in 5G, board assembly, warpage characterization and sustainability.


  • RDL Adhesion Strength Measurement — Redistributed layer (RDL) adhesion for advanced substrates and FO-WLP and PLP is critical for packaging lifetime quality, as poor adhesion strength can lead to circuit quality and package reliability issues. It is critical to have a means of identifying potential quality risks due to insufficient adhesion strength, but there is presently no global standard for measuring narrow RDL adhesion strength. Phase 1 of this project plans to evaluate applicable adhesion strength measurement methodologies, validate selected methodologies, and develop experimental guidelines to characterize RDL mechanical performance for fine traces. This project in the final stage of planning and review, which is open to non-members, and a call-for-participation webinar is anticipated in March (tentatively March 2 & 3). For additional information: Masahiro Tsuriya (
  • Low Temperature Solders for 1st Level Interconnection — Selection of materials for packaging interconnect is critical. The initiative team is discussing a project to provide data-based guidance on the characterization and selection of interconnect materials that can deliver an overall reduction in the process temperature required in the first level construction of IC packages. To join the discussions on this initiative, which are open to non-members, please contact Masahiro Tsuriya (

PCB and Laminates

  • Mitigation of 5G Signal Loss Due to PCB Copper Foil Surface Treatments — This initiative plans to characterize various copper surface treatments/resin systems to mitigate signal loss, particularly for high frequency applications, while maintaining good adhesion within the PCB structure. It will look at identifying the best metrology and test methodology to characterize the copper foil-to-resin bond strength. The team meets biweekly, beginning January 14 (11:00 a.m. EST/Americas) to define the project scope and develop a statement of work (SOW). This initiative stage of the project is open to non-members. Contact Steve Payne to get involved (
  • PCB Fiberglass Cloth Characterization for CAF Failure Mitigation — Reduced via hole pitch and low loss resin systems (for 5G and similar applications) can exacerbate CAF (conductive anodic filament) failures, which often are only evident in the field and not seen at the manufacturing stage. The initiative team is discussing a project to characterize the effect of glass cloth on PCB reliability and investigate the effect of fabrication techniques typical for 5G and high frequency designs. This initiative stage of the project is open to non-members. For further details, contact Steve Payne (

Smart Manufacturing

  • Data Management Best Practices for PCB Assembly — An automated method to collect, analyze and use machine/process data is a key enabler for the factory of the future. Implementation is hampered in many cases by the diversity of the equipment and lines already in use. This project plans to study existing PCBA processes and develop a generic reference data architecture and best practices to enable efficient implementation of smart PCB assembly, defining guidelines for data format, inputs/outputs, timing, frequency, etc. The project plan is in final review and the project will be starting soon. Additional participation is welcomed. Contact Mark Schaffer ( for details about how to join.


  • Connector Reliability Test Recommendations, Phase 3 — A standardized framework for evaluating electrical connectors across types and use conditions benefits the whole industry. This new project addresses the gaps in existing connector test coverage. A test vehicle for identified connector types will be defined and verified against a set of test parameters (developed by an earlier iNEMI project) that account for some of the harsher environments in which many of today’s electronics operate. Results from this work will be shared with the industry and are expected to lead to updates in connector standards. Project meetings start this month and additional participants are still welcome. For further details, please contact Mark Schaffer (
  • Best Practices for Expanded Beam Connectors in Data Centers —This project will compare the optical performance of clean and contaminated expanded beam, air gap and physical contact connectors in data center environments, and will undertake cost modelling of optical connectors while considering various contaminants, cleaning methods and materials. Project meetings have started, and additional participants are still welcome. Contact Steve Payne ( to get involved.
  • PIC Chip and Micro Optics Demonstrator for Edge Pluggable Free Space Connector — This initiative team is planning a demonstrator project for a board-level optical interconnect system in which an expanded beam optical connector interface will be developed for the chip module. The overall objective is to develop manufacturing guidelines for PIC (photonics integrated circuit) modules and micro optics. The team is currently defining the project and non-members can get involved during this initiative stage. For further information, please contact Grace O’Malley (