EMSNOW India: Up Close with Vivek Khanna, INDIC EMS Electronics – Part 1

EMSNOW talks to Vivek Khanna, Managing Director of INDIC EMS Electronics, an EMS company with manufacturing facilities in Bengaluru India, and Barcelona Spain. In Part 1 of this interview, Vivek summarizes his fascinating personal story working in the tech industry as it evolved in Bangalore; he started in the chip design world, and then shifted to software and now has come back around to hardware manufacturing, riding several global industry trends. He has worked for both start-ups and global corporations and applies that experience to INDIC to drive solid growth, while honoring his personal determination to give back to the community. He discusses the advantages of building electronics in India; the demographics, the workforce, the government support and more. Part 2 of this thoughtful interview covers Vivek’s views about industry trends.

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