EMSNOW/in4ma Publishes Outline of Insights from European EMS Tour 2023

EMSNOW/in4ma Publishes Outline of Insights from European EMS Tour 2023

Dieter Weiss of in4ma and Eric Miscoll of EMSNOW conducted their third tour of European based EMS companies. The tour began on June 12, 2023 in London, England and ended on June 30, 2023 in Frankfurt, Germany. They visited 19 EMS company facilities in 6 countries (UK, Switzerland, Austria, Slovenia, Hungary, and Germany). They attended an IPC EMS Event in London on June 15, and an EMS Forum in Munich hosted by in4ma on June 22. The tour covered about ~3200 kilometers by car, plus a flight from London to Munich. They stayed in 14 different hotels and crossed the national boundaries of 9 European countries.

During the tour, they recorded 14 podcasts. All podcasts and video interviews are available on EMSNOW.com

width="300"In addition to touring the EMS facilities, they also spent time with executives from each company discussing their company’s business and the issues impacting the EMS industry.  Based on these conversations, they prepared an Outline of Insights. To download a copy of the complete report, please complete the form below.

Europe continues to be a vital and developing region for the global EMS industry.  While it is impacted by the same challenges that the industry at large faces in all regions, it also possesses some unique characteristics and challenges that we hope to highlight in this report. The report begins with a background on Europe and its EMS Industry, including data sets from in4ma presented during the Tour; industry sectors served by EMS in Europe; market drivers for the industry; challenges and opportunities, including a deep dive into the material shortage issues and the fallout from the current inventory overhang; workforce/labor issues, equipment sets and level of automation seen during the tour; other noteworthy industry dynamics such as M&A activity and capacity issues, and much much more.

EMS Companies Visited: (listed in order visited):

  • InCap UK
  • Tioga Ltd.
  • Escatec Mechatronic Ltd.
  • AsteelFlash (Bedford) Ltd.
  • Jaltek Systems Ltd.
  • Texcel Technology plc
  • Hengartner Elektronik AG
  • Variosystems AG
  • Ginzinger electronic systems
  • Digital Elektronik GmbH
  • SG Automotive d.o.o.
  • Becom Electronics Gmbh
  • Melecs EWS
  • Videoton Ipari Park
  • Deltec Electronics
  • Cicor Rhe
  • Prettl Electronics
  • Krüger & Gothe
  • Tectron Worbis Gmbh

A profile of each EMS company can be found on EMSNOW.com under the EMS Profiles tab.

Tour Sponsors

EMSNOW wishes to thank this year’s tour sponsors.  Their support allowed us to conduct this tour and provide our insights on the European EMS industry.

CalcuQuotea global leader in quoting and supply chain software for electronics manufacturers.

Mycronic – Smart solutions for flexible manufacturing.

TrustedParts.com  – Genuine electronic components from only authorized sources

To download a copy of this 23-page Outline of Findings, please complete this form:

x Brown

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