EMSNOW Executive Interview: Cesar Chavez Rios, BalTec Corporation

BalTec is a Swiss precision riveting machine company that serves many industries, including electronics. Cesar has an engineering background and has worked in a number of different manufacturing sectors in Mexico. We caught up with Cesar to learn how his company serves the electronics industry and what he thinks about the future for Mexico manufacturing.

EMSNOW: Please tell our readers about yourself. What is your background and how long have you been in this role?

 I was born in Monterrey Mexico, studied and worked in the same city for most of my career. My education and training was as an Engineer Mechanic and Electrician at Facultad de Ingenieria Mecanica Y Electrica of Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Leon. I have always enjoyed learning new processes and enjoy travelling. I am a baseball fan and passionate about my work. I have studied Engineering, and my specialty is Mechanics and Electrical devices, added to that, I have worked in my sales, primarily for big companies like FASTENAL and REPSTRONICS, and now with BalTec, an international company with seven direct offices and many representatives around the world.  

EMSNOW: Tell us about your company. Where is BalTec headquartered and how long have you been operating in Mexico? 

BalTec Mexico is in Apodaca Mexico, very close to the airport and strategically situated in the industry cluster in the area. BalTec Mexico has been operating in Mexico since April 30, 2018, so we are excited that we have almost five years working here. 

EMSNOW: What is BalTec’s business and who are your customers?

BalTec is a riveting machines manufacturer with headquarters in Switzerland. Our core business is to use the riveting process to join parts and keep them together using radial, orbital and roller forming technologies, mainly in the metal mechanics applications . The end markets are customers who manufacture safety belts, medical devices, electronics, hardware and more.

EMSNOW: How does BalTec serve the electronics manufacturing industry in Mexico?

Our products are completely versatile and help the electronics industry with our precise and accurate equipment, one of them, our Electric riveter which is capable of forming different parts into a board, like pins, stand offs, heat sinks, and other assemblies that require a high precision level.

EMSNOW: What are the main industry sectors that BalTec serves in Mexico?

I would like to say that BalTec is in practically every aspect of our daily life, from kitchen hardware to an airplane. Automotive, Electrical/electronics, and Medical are the main sectors.

EMSNOW: What do you think are the major trends that impact the industry in Mexico? Are you seeing major growth from regionalization as companies expand their geographic footprint? 

The main vision of the future now is the automatization of processes and devices, helping companies to be more competitive. And having a global presence is now one of the best options to ensure success to help the new industry regionalization trend.  The closer you are to your customer the bette relationship you will have with them. 

EMSNOW: What are the trends that BalTec is following? What are the challenges of doing business there?

Our business is going to that vision of the future as well, offering vanguard products adding the new requirements for worker safety, eco-friendly manufacturing and higher productivity. Our challenge is always to continue innovating, to always excel in customers requirements. 

EMSNOW: What are the opportunities?

Every application where the customer wants to obtain a joint with high precision and high quality level is an opportunity for us.

EMSNOW: How do you see the future for manufacturing in Mexico? Will there be enough engineers to accommodate the potential growth? 

Manufacturing in Mexico will continue to grow; there’s no doubt about that. I am incredibly happy to see how foreign and Mexican companies are moving to our country, trusting and investing in our people and engineers. Mexico has very high quality Universities in all the territories, preparing engineers to support the requirements of a growing manufacturing sector. Young blood and experience — that combination will help to face any challenge.

EMSNOW: What else would you like to say to EMSNOW readers?

I would like to say thank for this opportunity to share with them a little of what BalTec is doing here in Mexico, and how we can help them in their business.

BalTec Corporation
121 Hillpointe Dr. Suite 900 | Canonsburg, PA 15317 | USA
Direct: 812-351-0666 – BalTec USA Phone: 724-873-5757


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