ECIA Members Learn How to Create a Championship Culture from Skip Weisman

This year, ECIA launched a webinar series to enable member continuing education. This month’s speaker was Skip Weisman, an ex-baseball executive who uses sports imagery and psychology to explain ways to create permanent change in a company’s culture. With helpful acronyms, Weisman communicates basic, implementable principles to help a business transform disengaged, unhappy workers into CHAMPs — who are Confident, Humble, Accountable, Motivated, and Perspicacious.
The webinar was an hour of practical advice based on solid research and client experiences that are directly applicable to today’s workplace conditions, with many companies challenged to find skilled workers. Skip’s recommendations include findings from several recent studies and are grounded in what all people need from their workplace environment, including respect, autonomy, and purpose. As most HR professionals will tell you, it’s not just about money.
“Our members seem to enjoy the webinars, we’ve had excellent attendance,” noted Debbie Conyers, ECIA’s VP of Member Engagement. “We look forward to providing many more as the year progresses.”