Celestica Helps Smart Energy Industry OEMs Accelerate Their Energy Storage Roadmap

Celestica Helps Smart Energy Industry OEMs Accelerate Their Energy Storage Roadmap

Originally posted on Celestica Blog

More governments, businesses and consumers around the world are embracing renewable energy sources, creating significant growth opportunities for smart energy hardware manufacturers. The International Energy Agency forecasts that between now and 2023, renewables, led by solar PV and wind, will see the fastest growth in the electricity sector, and will represent more than 70 percent of global electricity generation growth. However, these adoption rates will stall if improving energy storage technologies is not part of the equation.

Preventing renewable energy users from experiencing “around the clock power supply anxiety” is a priority. A cloudy or windless day should not mean people have to worry about whether they will have electricity they can rely on to power their day-to-day activities. Effective and reliable energy storage solutions are critical to long-term adoption and viability in this market. Many leading renewable energy hardware manufacturers realize the secret ingredient to building a better storage solution is battery management software (BMS) that delivers improved battery performance and more storage capacity.

The BMS is also key to an OEM’s ability to achieve tighter integration of its storage device with solar, wind or other renewable energy installations and increase their combined value to the market. Integrating storage solutions that bundle both distribution and consumption makes the entire installation more efficient and cost-effective to maintain. Customers want (and expect) more for less: high-quality products at lower cost with long-term reliability. And the opportunity is there for residential or commercial clean energy solution manufacturers to collaborate with storage solution partners to bring a more efficient, bundled go-to-market package.

OEMs are focusing their innovation efforts around retooling their business models towards software development since software is integral to improving battery storage performance, reliability and services. Hardware is now more of an enabler. Everything else related to hardware design, materials, production and shipping is non-core in the value stream but still vitally important in enabling an OEM’s growth strategy.

Identifying core from non-core activities allows OEMs to redeploy key assets and resources by focusing on agile growth. OEMs must navigate a dynamic global business environment that presents challenges of hardware pricing compression and outdated supply chain models. With more than a decade of experience in renewable energy, Celestica understands the market dynamics, and supply chain challenges as well as the pressures and pain points our customers are facing from a cost, speed and reliability perspective.

At Celestica, we bring global expertise and insight at every stage of product development to accelerate the process – from the drawing board to full-scale production and after-market services. Through our experience in enabling products that generate, convert, control and monitor energy, we know the unique challenges of building integrated systems that operate flawlessly – in all kinds of environmental conditions to provide reliable power to the end user.

Do you have the right partner that can accelerate your energy storage product roadmap? Learn more about Celestica’s complete product lifecycle solutions and how we can help deliver a competitive advantage every step of the way.