End-of-Project Webinar Value Recovery from Used Electronics Project October 31 & November 2


iNEMI’s Value Recovery from Used Electronics project is an industry-led effort focused on creating a robust, sustainable circular economy (CE) for hard disk drives (HDDs). Reuse of functioning hard disk drives recovers the highest value. In addition, new innovative applications and recovery technologies have made it possible to recover and reuse rare earth magnets and other valuable components from used HDDs. In this end-of-project webinar, the Phase 2 project team will report on five CE demonstration projects to show how used hard drives can be turned into new hard drives. 

The iNEMI team includes members from industry (Seagate, Cascade Asset Management, Cisco, Echo Environmental, Geodis, Google, Microsoft, Momentum Technologies, Urban Mining Company), research organizations (Ames Laboratory, Critical Materials Institute, Idaho National Laboratory, Oak Ridge National Laboratories and Purdue University) and NGOs (Green Electronics Council.)

These webinars are open to non-members as well as iNEMI members. Make plans to join us — click here for additional project information and webinar registration.

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