ECIA’s Compliance Webinar Unpacks Complexity of Unfolding Global Regulatory Tsunami

Atlanta–The ECIA, in partnership with Compliance and Risks, a UK based consultancy, recently hosted a webinar to inform its members about new regulatory legislation that will impact the electronics industry. This knowledge is essential to any company doing business with the global supply chain. Consumers in every country are increasingly concerned about the environmental and health impact of hazardous materials and are pointing the finger of responsibility at producers of packaging and throw away electronics to figure out ways to keep waste out of the commons. Legislatures are taking up the cause to impose penalties on those who aren’t paying enough attention to the impact of their manufacturing materials, processes and products.


ECIA’s webinar presenters describe laws that are being enacted in the European Union, China, Singapore, India, South Korea, Sierra Leone, Canada, Japan, and many states within the United States.  “Even just a few years ago, there were about 30,000 separate regulations with potential to impact the electronics industry,” noted Don Elario, ECIA Vice President of Industry Practices. “Starting next year, that number is going to double. This is an unsustainable situation, and our members need help in prioritizing and implementing an effective strategy to avoid risk.”

The webinar is the first in a series of informational events addressing compliance issues. “New legislation is being enacted every month,” Elario continued. “Most of our member companies do not have a dedicated compliance officer, so ECIA will continue to investigate ways to assist our members in this area.  Compliance and Risks tracks these regulations for its clients, and they will bring great value to our membership.”

This first webinar was an overview of the main legislative waves that are in place now or are near implementation: Circular Economy; RoHS; REACH; Prop 65; Persistent Organic Pollutants (POPs); Conflict Minerals; Packaging; Basel Convention; Batteries. Subsequent webinars will focus in on specific areas with more in-depth suggestions.  Visit for information on all webinars.

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